Friday, October 4, 2024
Design & Culture

Project “Europe Tower”

Nikola Pekic

Nikola Pekic - Jun 26, 2024

Hotel Europe Group, a renowned domestic hotel group, has announced ambitious plans for the construction of “Europe Tower,” a large commercial-residential complex to be situated in the heart of Sarajevo. This project signifies the continuation of the city’s transformation into a modern business and tourist hub. Berina Bajrović, CEO, provided a detailed outline of the project plans and phases.“Europe Tower” will be located in close proximity to the Holiday Hotel, formerly known as the Holiday Inn, thereby continuing the expansion of this prestigious complex. The project aligns with the regulatory plan “City Center Marijin Dvor,” adopted by the Municipality of Centar. The Holiday Hotel has already established itself as a center for significant development initiatives, such as the construction of the Cineplexx cinema and the gastromarket “Crvena Jabuka,” which have resulted in the employment of approximately 300 young individuals.Additionally, Bajrović emphasized that the urban planning permit for the construction of “Europe Tower” was issued back in 2020 and was recently renewed. She also highlighted the continuity of the development plans of the previous owners, the Austrian company Alpha Baumanagement, which had planned to build the “Grand Media Centre” business complex at the same location.

“We are pleased to assume the rights and obligations to implement this project in phases,” Bajrović stated. The first phase of the project includes the construction of a commercial building with a three-floors garage. Above the garage, a three-floors commercial zone is planned, which will attract global brands The second phase of the project envisions the construction of an impressive 22 floors tower with luxury apartments, intended both for the needs of the Holiday Hotel and the market.

“This significant project will not only contribute to the development of Sarajevo but will also promote Bosnia and Herzegovina as a destination capable of attracting international investors and tourists,” she added.In line with global trends in building construction, “Europe Tower” will be designed according to the highest standards of environmental sustainability and eco-friendliness. The plans include the implementation of energy-efficient solutions, the use of renewable energy sources, and the integration of green spaces around the complex. “Europe Tower” will serve as an exemplar of contemporary architecture that meets the demands of urban life while minimizing environmental impact.

Bajrović also expressed optimism regarding the issuance of the construction permit, which is expected by the end of the year, with the construction scheduled to commence in March of the following year. The complete project is expected to be finalized within three to five years, setting new standards in the urban development of Sarajevo, promoting sustainable growth, and fostering the development of the local community.

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Projekat “Europe Tower”

Hotel Europe Group, renomirana domaća hotelska grupacija, najavila je ambiciozne planove za izgradnju “Europe Tower”, velikog poslovno-stambenog kompleksa koji će biti smješten u centru Sarajeva. Ovaj projekat predstavlja nastavak transformacije grada u moderno poslovno i turističko središte. Berina Bajrović, direktorica grupacije, detaljno je opisala planove i faze projekta.“Europe Tower” će se nalaziti u neposrednoj blizini hotela Holiday, nekada poznatog kao Holiday Inn, čime se nastavlja širenje ovog uglednog kompleksa. Projekt je usklađen sa regulacionim planom “Gradski centar Marijin Dvor”, koji je usvojila Općina Centar. Hotel Holiday već se istakao kao centar velikih razvojnih inicijativa, poput izgradnje kina Cineplexx i gastromarketa “Crvena Jabuka”, što je rezultiralo zapošljavanjem oko 300 mladih osoba.Dodatno, Bajrović je istakla da je urbanistička dozvola za izgradnju “Europe Tower” izdata još 2020 godine, te je nedavno obnovljena. Također je naglasila kontinuitet razvojnih planova prethodnih vlasnika, austrijske kompanije Alpha Baumanagement, koja je na istoj lokaciji planirala izgradnju poslovnog centra “Grand Media Centre”.

“Sa zadovoljstvom preuzimamo prava i obaveze da ovaj projekat realizujemo fazno,” naglasila je Bajrović. Prva faza projekta uključuje izgradnju poslovne zgrade s troetažnom garažom. Iznad garaže planirana je troetažna poslovna zona koja će privući svjetske brendove. U drugoj fazi projekta predviđena je izgradnja impresivnog 22-spratnog tornja sa luksuznim apartmanima, namijenjenim kako za potrebe hotela Holiday, tako i za tržište.

“Ovaj značajan projekt ne samo da će doprinijeti razvoju Sarajeva, već će i promovirati Bosnu i Hercegovinu kao destinaciju sposobnu za privlačenje međunarodnih investitora i turista,” dodala je.U skladu s globalnim trendovima u izgradnji zgrada, “Europe Tower” će biti projektovan prema najvišim standardima ekološke prihvatljivosti i održivosti. Planira se primjena energetski efikasnih rješenja, korištenje obnovljivih izvora energije te integracija zelenih površina oko kompleksa.”Europe Tower” će biti primjer savremene arhitekture koja odgovara na potrebe urbanog života, uz minimalan utjecaj na okoliš.

Bajrović je također izrazila optimizam u vezi s izdavanjem građevinske dozvole, koju očekuju najkasnije do kraja godine, s planiranim početkom gradnje u martu naredne godine. Očekuje se da će kompletan projekt biti završen u periodu od tri do pet godina, čime će se postaviti novi standardi u urbanom razvoju Sarajeva, promovišući održivi rast i razvoj lokalne zajednice.

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