Saturday, July 27, 2024
Design & Culture

Belgrade Waterfront – A Symphony of Music, Art, Culture and Modern Living


Miodrag Spahić - Dec 20, 2022

7 min

As the first mixed-use development in Serbia, which, this year for the third time in a row, was crowned with a prestigious European Property Awards prize, Belgrade Waterfront creates not only a residential area tailored to the needs of modern residents, but also a new artistic hub and centre towards which creative people gravitate. Listening to the needs and wishes of the art community in general, Belgrade Waterfront managed to create kvART, a powerful platform for contemporary Serbian artists and enable them to showcase their latest works in a unique ambient on the riverbanks of the Sav river.

Courtesy of Belgrade Waterfront

Owing to this platform, the Serbian capital can now boast of an extremely high-quality art scene that places Belgrade “side by side” with the most prestigious world destinations. Residents, visitors, but also tourists have been enjoying the newly improved art scene at Belgrade Waterfront for years now.


The cultural and artistic initiative – kvART Belgrade Waterfront was launched with the idea of ​​supporting the contemporary Serbian art scene and, as one of the sources of creative energy in our capital, bringing together in one place painters, designers, musicians, actors, dancers and numerous other artists and innovators who find inspiration in the unique synergy of Belgrade and the Sava.

Courtesy of Belgrade Waterfront

Exhibitions of paintings by the most important local contemporary artists became the trademark of the kvART initiative in the past years, and every month the kvART attracts art lovers under the arches of Galerija, the largest regional destination for shopping, dining and entertainment. With quality, innovation and exceptionality, these exhibitions have stood out over time at the very top of the cultural offer of the Serbian capital.

Courtesy of Belgrade Waterfront

As part of this initiative, the largest Art Competition in the region has been launched, where participants propose creative solutions for art installations, sculptures and contemporary furniture. The most creative ones will, in addition to big cash prizes, get the opportunity to exhibit their works of art within the Belgrade Waterfront.

Artwork inside BW buildings

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see”, once said the great French artist Edgar Degas. Wanting to enable residents to see contemporary works of art made by local artists, Belgrade Waterfront offered the best ones the opportunity to decorate the lobbies of BW buildings with their works. Thus, the paintings by Vuk Vučković enrich the everyday life of residents in BW residences, while paintings by artist Marko Kusmuk can be found in the lobby of BW Magnolia. With their beauty and originality, they fit perfectly into a very pleasant interior that consists of a reception desk with concierge service, as well as a comfortable seating area.

Musical spectacles on the water

The first Belgrade River Fest, held in July this year, without any doubt moved all standards when it comes to the organization of music festivals in our country because what could be seen and heard during those two warm summer nights was nothing but pure musical magic. The famous Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli and the Portuguese fado diva Mariza reached the starry sky above the Sava with a powerful and incredible voice and made this summer unforgettable for many Belgrade citizens.

Courtesy of Belgrade Waterfront

Another musical spectacle that once again confirmed that the Belgrade Waterfront has become the cultural epicentre of the Serbian capital was the performance of the renowned world-famous baritone Željko Lučić in the now traditional “Open Air Opera”. Finding himself in the title role of Rigoletto in Giuseppe Verdi’s opera of the same name, Lučić, with the support of a special guest from Italy, Alida Berti, showed the many spectators gathered on the plateau behind the Geozavod just part of the magic with which he enchanted the audience at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, Milan’s Scala or the Royal Opera House in London.

Courtesy of Belgrade Waterfront

This year’s magical summer by the river was completed by the Danish cellist and marathoner Toke Moldrup with his unusual musical and sport performance. During the grand finale of the jubilee 10th ArtLink festival on Sava Promenada, he ran an incredible 36 kilometres, and after every kilometre, he would stop to play a piece of the Bach Suite. In this way, he played all six of Bach’s cello suites. The charismatic cellist, the “man of tomorrow”, as he was proclaimed by the world’s media, enchanted all those who walked by the Sava River on September 24 with his unique energy.

By organizing these unique events in an open space by the river, in the middle of an urban environment, Belgrade Waterfront brought a completely new and previously unseen way of enjoying music in our region, which, as it turned out, in contact with nature, creates real artistic magic and beautiful memories for the whole life.

Courtesy of Belgrade Waterfront

Admiral Open Air Cinema

This summer, on a large film screen placed on the beautiful green plateau in front of Galerija, cinema lovers could enjoy screenings of anthology film classics and blockbusters in the Admiral Open Air Cinema completely free of charge. Comfortably seated in deckchairs and lazy bags, film buffs could watch “Casablanca”, “Murder on the Orient Express”, “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “The Da Vinci Code”, “The Great Gatsby”, “Django Unchained”, “Alien” and numerous other hit comedies, thrillers, dramas and animated films. “A summer to remember”, as the Open-Air Cinema was announced, fully justified its description as it was the hottest season in Belgrade.

Courtesy of Belgrade Waterfront

Restoration of “Bristol”

In addition to providing high-quality cultural and artistic content to residents and visitors, Belgrade Waterfront makes great efforts when it comes to preserving the architectural heritage of the Serbian capital. After restoring the facade of the magnificent building of the Belgrade Cooperative and renovating the Sava Square, Belgrade Waterfront started major works on the restoration of the facade of the “Bristol” hotel, a symbol of those romantic times and a masterpiece of the famous Serbian architect Nikola Nestorović.

Courtesy of Belgrade Waterfront

In order to restore the damaged and preserve the existing elements of the luxurious facade architecture on this anthological example of the late Belgrade Art Nouveau Style, Belgrade Waterfront, in cooperation with the Belgrade City Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, hired 16 graduate sculptors and painters and as many as three of the remaining five high-class sculptors in Serbia, which is very illustrative of how much attention was paid to the renovation of the hotel in Karađorđeva Street.

Courtesy of Belgrade Waterfront

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